Aloha Chamber Members,
As 2021 chugs along, I have some exciting news to share from the Young Professionals Committee. I am pleased to introduce Krystle De Los Santos from HPM Building Supply as my co-chair. Krystle is an HR Generalist and has been a great asset to YP with her enthusiasm, willingness to help and overall great attitude. In addition to a co-chair, the YP have created some subcommittees to focus on different areas of the committee. The subcommittees and their respective chairs are:
Social: Shannon Wibberley
Professional Development: Samantha Collins
Membership/Recruitment: Krystle De Los Santos
Recognition Program: Kapono Pa
Social Media: Dayna Bersamin, Brittini Kuwahara, and Bryson Hiro
In 2021, the YP would like to launch our first annual Recognition Program. This program is designed to highlight the outstanding young professionals in the Chamber as well as the general community. As more and more of the young professionals enter the workforce, we wanted to create a way to encourage, inspire and motivate to be active in our communities. We are still working on the finer details but would like to focus on the aspects of: Professional Leadership, Community Service and Empowerment of Others. Please keep an eye out for updates!
Finally, I would like to present our new Young Professionals Committee Logo. A big mahalo to YP Brittini Kuwahara at KTA Superstores for this design. The logo is based off the Chamber’s logo with canoe sails as a symbol of the stewards or guides that the Chamber provides us as young professionals. The mountain serves as the community and grounds us. Amazing job Brittini!
Stay safe, take care of each other and looking forward to great things ahead in 2021!

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