Newsletter Advertising

Ad Submission Format: Electronic camera ready ad (jpg format preferred)

Full Page Advertisement (Size 8.5” x 11” Vertical Only), Open Rate $250 + tax, Discounted Rates Below

Half (1/2) Page Advertisement (Size 8.5” x 5.5” Horizontal Only), Open Rate $165 + tax, Discounted Rates Below

Quarter (1/4) Page Advertisement (Size 4.25” x 5.5” Vertical Only), Open rate $82 + tax, Discounted Rates Below

Business Card Advertisement (Size 3.5”x 2” Horizontal only), Open Rate $25 + tax, Discounted Rates Below

Deadline, Billing & Recommendations

Camera-ready artwork must be in the office no later than the 24th of the month prior to publication. With a multiple-month commitment, you may change your ad copy from one month to the next, if desired & specified. An invoice will be emailed to the contact person listed above. Payment required to secure advertisement.

We appreciate your support of the Hawai`i Island Chamber of Commerce and hope this program will produce added recognition and sales for your business. For more information, contact the Chamber at (808) 935-7178 or e-mail:

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